The Society for Ecumenical Studies' website aims to link its visitors to a wealth of resources for the study of ecumenism. This will cover online resources, eg papers, websites and blogs and also real world resources such as book reviews and courses in ecumenism. The site will also feature up to date information about the society's activities and other relevant ecumenical events.

The following highlights the main features of the Society for Ecumenical Studies' website:

World Council of Churches logo. Boat with cross mast and word Oikoumene. Ecumenical Topics Selects a few hot ecumenical topics, providing a brief explanation with links to relevant resources. The society will add more topics from time to time and welcomes suggestions.
Book with pen Writers and Speakers Features a selection of people who are writing and speaking about ecumenism. Each page features a short video of the speaker, outlining their main contribution and priorities. This will be supported by bibliographies with links to relevant sites and papers.
Stack of books Reviews The Society for Ecumenical Studies reviews books and other documents relevant to ecumenical studies.
Cartoon owl in academic gown and letter A. Courses The Society for Ecumenical Studies does not recommend courses notesof relevant courses someone wishing to study ecumenism systematically might explore. These are courses that cover ecumenism. Many other courses are run on an ecumenical basis.
Click share button Websites and Blogs These websites and blogs carry material significant for ecumenical studies.

Top image is from the World Council of Churches. The others are from

6th, 7th, 8th March 2012

The Institut Supérieur d’Etudes Oecuméniques is hosting a conference to commemorate the opening of the Second Vatican Council: La réception de Vatican II: en cinquante ans, quels effets pour les Eglises?,
Institut Catholique de Paris,
Institut Supérieuer d’Etudes Oecuméniques.
For more information, please see the website.

21 March 2012 from 2pm-6pm

Orthodox, Anglican and Catholic Perspectives on the Question of Primacy in Modern & Contemporary Ecclesiology.
The Centre for Eastern Christianity,
Heythrop College,
University of London
No charge or registration required.